
2018年2月5日—Datasetconsistingoffeaturevectorsof215attributesextractedfrom3799applications(1260malwareappsfromAndroidmalgenomeproject ...,2018年1月24日—AndroidMalwareGenomeProject.Inthisproject,wefocusontheAndroidplatformandaimtosystematizeorcharacterizeexistingAndroid ...,Inthisproject,wefocusontheAndroidplatformandaimtosystematizeorcharacterizeexistingAndroidmalware.Particularly,withmorethan...

Android malware dataset for machine learning 1

2018年2月5日 — Dataset consisting of feature vectors of 215 attributes extracted from 3799 applications (1260 malware apps from Android malgenome project ...

Android Malware Datasets

2018年1月24日 — Android Malware Genome Project. In this project, we focus on the Android platform and aim to systematize or characterize existing Android ...

Android Malware Genome Project

In this project, we focus on the Android platform and aim to systematize or characterize existing Android malware. Particularly, with more than one year effort, ...

Android Malware Genome Project

To mitigate threats of PhaLibs and help better understanding of security of iOS ecosystem, we are happy to release our samples to the community.


In this project, we focus on the Android platform and aim to systematize or characterize existing Android malware. Long Description


1. Android Malware Genome Project. In this project, we focus on the Android platform and aim to systematize or characterize existing Android malware.

Yajin Zhou@Zhejiang University

(Our dataset is released at Android Malware Genome Project). [4] DroidMOSS: Detecting Repackaged Smartphone Applications in Third-Party Android Marketplaces ...

从Android Malware Genome Project看安全挑战与应对

2024年3月22日 — 在移动互联网日益普及的今天,Android平台的安全问题日益凸显。恶意软件、病毒、钓鱼网站等安全威胁层出不穷,给广大用户带来了不小的困扰。


2024年3月22日 — Android Malware Genome Project的研究人员已经收集了1260个Android恶意代码样本,涵盖了49种不同的恶意程序家族。这些恶意程序具有各种危害行为,如利用 ...